How Does Geothermal Energy Work?

How does geothermal energy work

Our planet is home to a form of renewable thermal energy that we’ve barely scratched the surface of. There’s so much to learn. For instance — how does geothermal energy work? Geothermal energy works by harnessing the Earth’s heat to create electricity and heat sources. Power stations generate electricity by using the steam from geothermal … Read more

Why Is Fracking Controversial?

why is fracking controversial

“Why is fracking controversial? I mean, it helps us so much with sourcing natural gas and oil!” Sure, but the process of fracking is highly controversial at the moment due to the threat it poses to our environment. The process does have its advantages – it can provide us with gas security for over 100 … Read more

All You Need To Know About Composting Toilets

composting toilets

Many of you out there may be unfamiliar with composting toilets – these ingenious systems have been tried and tested throughout numerous rural communities for many years. They are a type of dry toilet, meaning they don’t need water to work. In communities where water is scarce, this type of toilet has helped keep many … Read more

How To Build A DIY Solar Carport (Complete Guide)

DIY Solar Carport

Solar carports are massively advantageous for commercial and retail developments. But did you know that it’s possible to build your very own DIY solar carport? Building a DIY solar carport can provide shade for your vehicles and electricity for your home. In fact, building a solar carport can save you up to 75% on electricity … Read more

RV Greywater (Everything you need to know)

RV greywater

Did you know that RV greywater systems are a thing? That’s right, both mobile homes and RVs can make use of greywater systems! In this article, we cover everything you need to know about RV greywater. From what it is to how to dispose of it. We even highlight the best three portable storage tanks … Read more

How Does Greywater Disposal Work?

greywater disposal

Greywater systems are growing in popularity, and if you’re reading this, chances are you know a thing or two about them. But what methods of greywater disposal are there? And how can you integrate them into your home? In this article, we outline three different ways to dispose of your greywater from your storage tank. … Read more

How To Build A Warm DIY Solar Shower (With pictures)

DIY solar shower

Whether you’re going on a camping trip or living off-grid, a DIY solar shower is a perfect way to give yourself a good ol’ cleaning. If you’ve found your way here, chances are you’ve already heard about these fantastic, self-heating shower systems -they truly are a great way to have a warm shower without a … Read more

10 Off-Grid Heating Methods To Use (With no electricity)

Off-grid heating methods

The thought of being able to control the thermal comfort of your home with off-grid heating methods seems a bit unreal. We’ve all become so reliant on electricity nowadays, that the thought of heating our homes without being dependent on electricity seems both amazing and hard to believe. Well, the good news is that it’s … Read more

How To Build A DIY Greywater System (Complete Guide)

DIY Grey water system

Welcome to our complete guide to building your DIY greywater system! A greywater system will decrease your carbon footprint, save water and decrease your utility bills. The system recycles water from your home and allows you to use it again for irrigation and flushing toilets. It can be a simple, low-tech system that will be … Read more

An Expert Guide To Prefab Homes (With pictures)

prefab homes

Prefab homes have become a wonderful alternative for homeowners looking to buy or build their very own homes. But the process can be pretty overwhelming for some; which type of home should you buy, how much do they cost, and where can you buy them? This article serves as an expert guide to prefab houses … Read more

10 Recycled Building Materials Of The Future

Recycled Building Materials

With the construction industry moving towards a zero-carbon future, recycled building materials are becoming more and more popular. Researchers and scientists constantly develop new materials and building methods using recycled and green material. In the architectural field, we say that a house has a lifespan of 50 years. After that, the house requires renovation and … Read more

What Is In Greywater? (An expert explains)

what is in grey water?

You may have heard of greywater and how it can save you both water and money, but what exactly is in greywater? Greywater is used water from your household. Household activities such as dishwashing, showering, bathing, and laundry use clean water and create greywater. Basically, all water except the wastewater from your toilet is greywater. … Read more