How To Grow A Hydroponic Avocado (Complete Guide)

hydroponic avocado

Are you wanting to grow a hydroponic avocado? These wonderful fruits, rich in healthy fats, vitamins, and fiber, can be used in guacamole, on toast, and even in some desserts. It’s no wonder many people out there want to grow their avo trees at home. In this article, we discuss whether or not it’s possible … Read more

Heating Your Pool With Solar Panels (All you need to know)

Heating Your Pool With Solar Panels

The heating of outdoor swimming pools is an excellent application for solar energy. Why? Because the heat demand matches well with the availability of solar energy. If you think about it, a pool itself is a large heat storer and the temperature level is low. In other words, solar energy heating and pools were always going to … Read more

What Are Energy Star Appliances?

energy star appliances

Energy Star (ES) has become synonymous with energy savings – it truly has become a household name. Some of you though may not be too familiar with their appliances. Well, for those of you who aren’t this article is for you. In this piece you’ll learn all there is to know about the Energy Star … Read more

12 Best Smart Thermostats (Green home guide)

best smart thermostats

The increasing presence of smart thermostats in modern homes is providing people with important insight into their domestic energy use. These thermostats contribute to more economic energy use patterns in two ways: They control your heating system in a more economic fashion, i.e., by not heating your house if they detect that you or the … Read more

Energy-Efficient Doors (All you need to know)

energy efficient doors

If you’re looking into passive house design it’s inevitable that you’ll have come across energy-efficient doors. These doors, along with passive house windows are an element that you can ill-afford to skip out on if you’re wanting to have your very own green home. Thermal maintenance and energy-saving properties are just two of the advantages … Read more

17 Genius Green Housing Ideas (with pictures)

green housing ideas

The way that you run your household has a significant impact on the environment which is why green housing ideas have become such a talking point in recent years. Some of you out there may be well on your way to establishing a green home of your own, while others may not know where to … Read more

Green Roofs (All you need to know)

green roofs

Planting on roofs and walls may have begun in Europe, but the practice is becoming increasingly popular worldwide. You can find these green roofs in urban areas around the world, helping to reduce the negative impacts of urbanization while aiding us in our efforts to re-introduce nature back into our “concrete jungles”. It doesn’t just … Read more

Best Passive House Windows: Which should you install?

best passive house windows

Passive house windows are an intrinsic part of the passive house concept. Therefore, it stands to reason that those of you out there looking to invest in these housing components may want the best passive house windows available. After all, these windows aren’t cheap, and you’re going to want your money’s worth. But what are … Read more

Eco Friendly House: 10 Ways to transform your home

eco-friendly house

Environmental consciousness is at an all-time high. More and more people are looking to “go green” and truthfully speaking there isn’t a better way to do so than to create an eco-friendly house for you and your family. But creating such a house can seem quite challenging and tedious to most. Honestly speaking – it … Read more

Solar Tube Skylight: All you need to know

solar tube skylight

Homeowners around the world are becoming increasingly aware of the costs associated with electrical lighting. Consequently, many people are turning to solar tubes and other forms of solar lighting for their household lighting needs. Solar tubes, as opposed to traditional skylights, are a particularly attractive investment to homeowners for the following reasons: They are easier … Read more