How to size a battery bank (The 5-step process explained)

How to size a battery bank

Renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, are fantastic, but they become redundant without the means to store this energy. It, therefore, stands to reason why an increasing number of people are wondering how to size a battery bank. The deployment of renewable energy sources has sparked a deep interest in developing technologies that … Read more

DWC Hydroponics (A Beginners Guide To Deep Water Culture)

DWC Hydroponics

You’re bound to come across the term Deep Water Culture (DWC) hydroponics when venturing down the rabbit hole that is hydroponic cultivation. In fact, it would be fair to say that the two are virtually synonymous.  Why? You may ask. Well, simply because the Deep Water Culture method is one of the most user-friendly, low maintenance, and … Read more

kW vs kWh (An Energy Expert Explains The Difference)

kW vs kWh

kW vs kWh – we are sure you have seen these letters multiple times. With the fast development of solar panels, lithium batteries, and electric vehicles, terms like kW (kilowatt) and kWh (kilowatt-hour) are seen everywhere. Even so, these terms can be tricky to interpret or understand for those that are unfamiliar with energy-related acronyms. … Read more

200-watt solar panels (The complete guide)

200 watt solar panels

If you want solar panels for your house, RV, or boat, you’ll want to consider purchasing 200-watt solar panels. Despite being on the smaller side, these solar panels combine solid power output and great value for money. And while they aren’t the most powerful, they’re certainly more versatile and compact than their larger 400W or 500W counterparts. In this … Read more

3 Types of Inverters For Solar Panels

Inverters for solar panels

Your solar panels are only as effective as the inverters they’re linked to. This makes the latter an incredibly valuable part of your solar system. Inverters help your solar panels power your electronic devices by converting their direct current (DC) electricity into clean alternating current (AC), similar to the electricity from your utility company. The … Read more

Best 3000-watt inverters (Top 6 inverters)

best 3000 watt inverters

Whether camping or on a road trip in your RV, you’ll need an inverter to establish a reliable source of AC electricity for all your appliances. Enter the 3000-watt inverter, a device that excels at converting your 12V battery’s DC electricity into 120V AC. With this in mind, you may wonder what a 3000-watt inverter can … Read more

What are the best lithium RV batteries? (2025 guide)

RV Lithium Battery

2025 brings with it the continued domination of lithium batteries over the RV market. This comes as no surprise since RV owners will always face the challenge of optimizing what little space they have. Naturally, lithium batteries, particularly LiFePO4 variants, are a big help in this regard. They are lighter, more compact, and more powerful than their lead-acid counterparts. … Read more

What are the 10 best lithium boat batteries?

Best lithium boat battery

Lithium batteries are now the go-to energy storage solution for your boat. Lead-acid batteries have long been the only option for sailors to power onboard electronics, small appliances, and electric trolling motors. However, they are heavy, last a short time, and have limited storage capacity.  Thankfully, with recent developments, lithium batteries like the LiFePO4 are now perfectly fit for … Read more

Lithium Battery Recycling (Where To Take a Dead Battery)

Lithium Battery Recycling

Lithium battery recycling is a major issue. In a recent article, we showed that 11 million tons of used lithium batteries will likely accumulate before the year 2030. Contrary to popular belief, lithium batteries are up to 97% recyclable. Lithium battery recycling has many advantages: Protect the environment Recover critical materials Generate incomes Reduce energy … Read more