Tesla Vs. Enphase (Which battery should you choose?)

Tesla and Enphase — these two juggernauts are leading the energy storage industry in 2025 with their products, the Powerwall+ vs. Encharge 10.

Gone are the power outages, expensive power bills, and unreliability of the conventional energy system. Now, you can produce and store energy all within the comfort of your own home. Enphase and Tesla are leading the way to your energy independence. 

Solar panels have become increasingly popular among homes, both old and new. Realistically though, the sun doesn’t shine every day, so how do you break your reliance on the electricity grid?

Enter solar batteries!

Both the Tesla Powerwall+ and Enphase Encharge 10 produce different yet high-quality storage systems. So which one has the leading edge? Which one is best for you?

This article will compare the features of the Tesla Powerwal+l vs. the Enphase Encharge 10, so you can decide which one is best for your home.

Tesla Vs. Enphase

Enphase Encharge 10 vs. Tesla Powerwall+

For simplicity’s sake, we compare the Enphase Encharge 10 and the Tesla Powerwall+.

Let’s kick this off by looking at a comparison of the two products:

SpecificationsTesla Powerwall+Enphase Encharge 10
Maximum Continuous Power On-Grid5 kW input / 7.6 kW output3.84 kW output
Maximum Continuous Power Off-Grid5 kW input / 9.6 kW output3.84 kW output
Battery typeNMC lithium-ionLithium Iron Phosphate ((LiFePO4)
Round Trip Efficiency90%96%
Depth of Discharge100%100%
Usable Capacity13.5 kWh10.08 kWh
Warranty10 years10 years (with an additional 5-year warranty available for purchase)
MountingFloor or wall mountWall mount
Dimensions1150 mm x 753 mm x 147 mm(45.3 in x 29.6 in x 5.75 in)1070 mm x 664 mm x 319 mm (42.13 in x 26.14 in x 12.56 in)
Connection TypeACAC
MonitoringTesla appEnphase app
Warranty10 years10 years (with an additional 5-year warranty available for purchase)
Price (including installation)$11,500$12,000-$17,000
Sources: electrek.co/ enphase datasheet

Note: based on US specifications

Tesla Powerwall+

Tesla’s Powerwall can work with existing solar panels from another provider. However, if you choose to purchase this system, you’ll also need to purchase Tesla solar panels.

That is unless you purchase a Powerwall through a Tesla-certified installer. Doing so will help you avoid purchasing an entire Tesla solar package.

Enphase Encharge 10

Conversely, you can use the Enphase Encharge with non-Enphase solar panels. However, you’ll only be able to back up your energy as you won’t get the same micro-grid capability that comes with an entire Enphase solar energy system.

Related Reading: SunPower Vs. Sunrun: Which should you choose? 

Which company produces better-quality batteries?

Enphase is well-known for the quality and reliability of its products, while Tesla is a leader in electric technologies and has some of the best engineers in the world. This begs the question: whose battery is better?

To answer this question, we considered five factors to assess the quality of these batteries. These include:

  1. Capacity
  2. Durability
  3. Round-trip efficiency
  4. Warranty
  5. Levelized cost of storage (LCOS)

Here’s a closer look at each factor:

Note to our readers: To make this a little more interesting, each factor constitutes a round. After assessing each factor, we’ll declare a winner.

1. Capacity

Your battery stores a limited amount of energy ( storage capacity). This capacity is expressed in kWh, but you can also find it in Ah (Ampere hours) or Amps.

Naturally, the higher a battery’s capacity, the better. In this instance, the Powerwall+ plus has 13.5 kWh of usable capacity to the Encharge 10’s 10.08.


The Powerwall+ takes the first round courtesy as it has 3.42 kWh more capacity.

2. Durability

Quality energy storage systems need to be durable. A battery’s durability is rated according to the number of charge/discharge cycles it can withstand.

Tesla promises that its Powerwall+ will retain 70% energy capacity after 10 years. However, the company breaks its warranty down into two categories:

  • Category 1: If you use your Powerwall+ for solar self-consumption, time-based control, or backup applications, you’ll benefit from an “unlimited cycles” operation limit.
  • Category 2: If you charge your Powerwall+ using off-peak electricity or a generator, Tesla introduces an operation limitation of 37.8 MWh of aggregate throughput.

Most users will fall under category 2 and therefore manage to get approximately 3,200 cycles out of their Powerwall+.

In the case of Enphase’s Encharge 10, the company also promises 70% capacity after 10 years, with its warranty ending due to whichever of the following conditions comes first:

  • 10 years from the warranty activation date.
  • 4,000 cycles.
  • 2.8MWh AC energy throughput per kWh of rated capacity.


The Tesla’s Powerwall+ durability level is solid, but the Encharge grabs its first victory with its 4,000 cycles worth of performance.

3. Round-trip efficiency

Round-trip efficiency (RTE) measures the amount of energy retained in a system during a complete conversion, storage, and reconversion cycle. It’s typically expressed as a percentage, with higher values indicating more efficient systems.

In the case of an ESS, RTE is the ratio of the energy discharged from the battery to the energy that was originally stored in the battery.

If a battery energy storage system has an RTE of 90%, it means that for every 100 watt-hours of energy stored in the battery, 90 watt-hours can be discharged from the battery to be used as electricity. The remaining 10 watt-hours are lost as heat or other forms of energy during the charging and discharging process.

Tesla’s Powerwall+ has an RTE of 90%. Therefore, for every 10 kWh that the unit stores, you can use 9 kWh.

Conversely, the Encharge 10 has a higher RTE of 96%. However, when the electricity passes through the microinverters, it drops to 89%


The Powerwall+ takes this round by a mere 1%.

4. Warranty

A long, comprehensive warranty indicates that a company is more than willing to stand behind its product. It’s one of, if not the most important factor, that helps garner consumer trust.

Both the Tesla Powerwall+ and Enphase Encharge 10 have warranties promising 70% capacity after 10 years. However, as previously mentioned, Tesla’s warranty can be a little confusing as it’s broken down into two categories, whereas Enphase’s is much more straightforward.

The Powerwall+ comes with an “unlimited cycle” warranty unless you use the unit in applications not specified by Tesla, where there is a 37.8 MWh cap. Unfortunately, many, if not most Powerwall owners will fall into this category, meaning they’ll likely get approximately 3,200 cycles out of their Powerwall by the 10-year mark.

In contrast, Enphase provides a clear-cut 4,000-cycle operation limit.


Enphase racks up another win here, thanks to its clearly defined, solid warranty.

5. Levelized cost of storage

The Levelized Cost of Storage (LCOS) is the best way to compare the price of different batteries. This variable is expressed in USD/kWh and considers all of the expenses related to energy storage over the lifespan of a battery.

LCOS is calculated by dividing the price of one unit by the total energy it will store and release (charge & discharge) over its lifetime.

The Powerwall+ LCOS stands at $0.30 $/KWh, whereas the Encharge 10’s stands at 0.43-0.60 $/kWh


The Powerwall+ is the clear winner, with its LCOS being 0.13-0.30 $/kWh cheaper than the Encharge 10.

Related Reading: SunPower Vs. Tesla (Which brand should you choose?)

Tesla Vs. Enphase: Which company is cheaper?

The price of each company’s energy storage solution is as follows

ESS SystemPriceWarranty LifetimeAggregate Throughput After 10 YearsLCOS ($/kWh)
Tesla Powerwall+$11,50010 years37.8 MWh0.30 $/kWh
Enphase Encharge 10$12,000-$17,00010 years28.2 MWh0.43-0.60 $/kWh

In conclusion, when it comes to energy storage, Tesla is the winner, with the Powerwall+ LCOS being 0.13-0.30 $/kWh cheaper than Enphase’s Encharge 10.

Tesla vs. Enphase: Which has better efficiency?

As previously mentioned, round-trip efficiency (RTE) measures the amount of energy retained in a system during a complete conversion, storage, and reconversion cycle. It’s typically expressed as a percentage, with higher values indicating more efficient systems.

In the case of an ESS, RTE is the ratio of the energy discharged from the battery to the energy that was originally stored in the battery.

If an ESS has an RTE of 90%, it means that for every 10 kWh of energy stored in the battery, 9 kWh can be discharged from the battery to be used as electricity. The remaining 1 kWh is lost as heat or other forms of energy during the charging and discharging process.

Tesla’s Powerwall+ has an RTE of 90%. Therefore, for every 10 kWh that the unit stores, it can use 9 kWh.

Conversely, the Encharge 10 has a higher RTE of 96%. However, when the electricity passes through the microinverters, it drops to 89%.

Power outage scenario

If you live in an area that experiences frequent power outages, you’ll want to consider the off-grid performance of the two batteries.

Tesla’s Powerwall falls slightly behind Enphase Encharge in this regard. The Powerwall cannot monitor charging during an off-grid event, while the Encharge can.

If a power outage occurs while your Powerwall is at full charge, your solar panels will continue to produce energy. If your home isn’t consuming significant energy during this event, the Powerwall will have to shut down for 5 minutes to discharge the excess energy.

Conversely, the Enphase Encharge 10 can regulate solar output, meaning the battery will remain on during an off-grid scenario.

As such, the Tesla’s Powerwall+ overtakes the Encharge 10 by a mere inch.

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Which company has a better product warranty?

The warranties behind Tesla’s Powerwall+ and Enphase’s Encharge 10 are pretty similar. Both warranties guarantee 70% energy capacity retention after a 10-year period. However, there are some caveats, at least where Tesla’s concerned.

Powerwall+ stipulations

Tesla’s Powerwall+ warranty is broken down into two categories:

  • Category 1: If you use your Powerwall+ for solar self-consumption, time-based control, or backup applications, you’ll benefit from an “unlimited cycles” operation limit.
  • Category 2: If you charge your Powerwall+ using off-peak electricity or a generator, Tesla introduces an operation limitation of 37.8 MWh of aggregate throughput.
ApplicationEnergy retentionOperation limitation
Solar self-consumption or time-based control and backup70% at 10 years following
initial installation date
Unlimited cycles
Any application not listed above, or any
combination of applications that
includes one not listed above
70% at 10 years following
initial installation date
37.8 MWh of
aggregate throughput

Most users will fall under category 2 and therefore manage to get approximately 3,200 cycles out of their Powerwall+.

Enphase’s warranty is much simpler

In the case of Enphase’s Encharge 10, the company also promises 70% capacity after 10 years. However, its warranty conditions are far more straightforward. The warranty will end due to whichever of the following conditions comes first:

  • 10 years from the warranty activation date.
  • 4,000 cycles.
  • 2.8MWh AC energy throughput per kWh of rated capacity.

Enphase also offers an additional 5-year warranty for an additional cost.

Tesla Powerwall WarrantyEnphase Encharge Warranty
Length10 years10 years
Usage conditionCategorizedAny use

In conclusion, while Tesla does provide a quality warranty, Enphase takes the cake with its transparent, clear-cut warranty offering.

Related Reading: LG Energy Solution Vs. Tesla Powerwall (Which battery is best for you?)

Which company is right for you?

Each battery has its benefits, so it’s up to you to prioritize these based on your needs.

Luckily, both companies have online tools to help you make the best decision for you.

Enphase offers the Enphase System Estimator to help you assess which of their battery products suits you best. The estimator allows you to input your energy habits to estimate the size, cost, and savings of an Enphase solar or battery system.

Enphase system estimator.
Source: Enphase

Tesla has a similar tool to help you design your solar and battery system based on your requirements.

Tesla solar system design tool.
Source: Tesla

Final thoughts

We must admit that both companies have impressive home battery products.

While the Tesla Powerwall and Enphase Encharge are two very different products, they lead the charge in energy solutions; you can’t go wrong with either one.

In this article, we broke down the pros and cons of each energy storage product. Each battery has different benefits, and it is up to you to weigh them based on your needs and location.

Enphase Encharge 10

The Enphase Encharge is flexible, allowing you to increase the storage size by connecting multiple storage systems. Enphase’s battery is one of the safest, most durable ones out there.

With the Enphase app, you can monitor your energy consumption, solar production, and weather events.

Enphase is also extremely reliable with its unique micro inverters that ensure the battery runs smoothly even if one microinverter fails or during an off-grid event.

Tesla Powerwall+

The Tesla Powerwall, on the other hand, is a cheaper option if you want to purchase an entire home energy system.

With the Tesla app, you and Tesla can both monitor the performance of your solar energy system and update/troubleshoot when necessary.

The Tesla Powerwall is also more compact compared to the Enphase Encharge.

Like Enphase, Tesla’s Powerwall has a Storm Watch feature that anticipates weather changes and prioritizes charging appropriately. 

Based on the information we have outlined, prioritize the benefits of each battery to help you decide which home battery is best for you.