Which EVs are V2G compatible?

Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology allows electric vehicles (EVs) to channel electricity back to the grid. This technology uses chargers that connect EVs and their batteries to the grid via a bi-directional power flow, providing your vehicle with clean, renewable energy. As of 2022, several major automakers, such as Nissan, are working on developing V2G-compatible EVs. To … Read more

How to prevent your tesla from being stolen

Tesla Theft

Tesla may be one of the most technologically advanced car brands today, but that doesn’t mean their vehicles are immune to theft. These electric vehicles (EVs) are sleek, stylish, and packed with high-tech features that make them a joy to drive. Unfortunately, all that luxury gives criminals plenty of incentive to try their hand at … Read more

How Much Is A Tesla? (Cost breakdown of each model)

How much is a Tesla

The real cost of a Tesla car is surprisingly hard to come by, especially when you consider various state-by-state taxation policies. In the first quarter of 2022, Tesla has sold more than 310,000 EVs across the globe, spanning from the United States to Australia —so many cars sold, yet so little accurate information on the … Read more

Electric Cars Vs. Hybrid Cars (Which should you choose?)

hybrid vs electric cars

Electric cars vs. hybrid cars — which one should you choose? It’s a tricky question that prospective vehicle owners have to navigate. Thanks to government grants, hybrid, and electric cars are becoming increasingly popular and easier to buy. That being said, not everyone is ready to switch to these advanced EVs just yet. So how … Read more

Are Teslas AWD? (Model X, S, Y & 3 Analysed)

are teslas AWD

“Do Tesla AWD cars exist, and if so, what are they like?” You might be surprised how often prospective EV buyers ask this question. For some people, AWD is essential when living in places with a lot of ice or rain. Others may want AWD as it means they get increased traction and better overall … Read more

7 Cheapest Electric Cars That Won’t Break The Bank

cheapest electric cars

Many people wrongfully assume that EVs are expensive and only reserved for those whose pockets run deep. We’re here to prove that assumption wrong with our list of the seven cheapest electric cars on the market; they’re sure not to break the bank! Currently, the US Federal Government offers a grant of up to $7500. … Read more

Can Lithium Car Batteries Be Recycled And Reused?

recycling lithium car batteries

The world is racing towards electric and hybrid light vehicles. This transition brings benefits across the local, regional and global scale. But lithium car batteries don’t last forever: they have a life span of between 5 to 8 years or 60,000 to 100,000 miles. This poses the question: can recycling lithium car batteries be done? … Read more

11 Fastest Electric Cars In The World

fastest electric cars

If you want to go fast, go electric. Over the last decade, electric cars from all over the world have transformed the car industry. Some of the fastest electric cars in the world are cars that you see on a daily basis. Most of the fastest electric cars in the world are made by start-up … Read more

Nissan Leaf Battery (Replacement, Lifespan, & More)

Nissan Leaf Battery

The Nissan Leaf battery has come leaps and bounds from its original build. But the battery is only one significant aspect of this electric vehicle. This EV comes with next-level intelligence that analyzes the driver’s habits, thousands of charging points nationwide, versatile charging options — the list goes on. And if that isn’t enough, the … Read more