Search results for: eco home

"What is a LEED certification checklist?" The LEED sustainable building rating system is one of the key global players for green homes. The system, whose ...

Indoor vertical farming may be the answer to the questions surrounding our future food security. Cities are growing exponentially, and the planet simply ...

If you're looking for solar panels for your solar generator, this article will undoubtedly come in handy! Solar generators offer a great energy solution ...

If you're looking for the most powerful solar generator on the market, you're in luck! Solar generators can be charged by solar panels, which convert ...

Rainwater collection is a great starting point for building your eco-home. Luckily, keeping your rainwater fresh for gardening and flushing toilets isn't as ...

The recent debate on MPPT vs. PWM charge controllers is a sign that electricity consumers are becoming more conscious of where their electricity comes from ...

Looking to grow vegetables but have limited space? Fear not, for you are about to discover the top vegetables for vertical gardening! Most of you have seen ...

Fed up with excessive electrical bills? Tired of waiting for your geyser to heat up after one too many showers? Then it's time that you invest in a tankless ...

Using a rainwater barrel is a simple way to store rainwater for reuse; what's more connecting rain barrels can provide you with more storage space. Not ...

A solar generator for your RV will provide you everything a gas generator would, only without the loud noise and the toxic gas emissions. Also, you don't ...

"It's been raining so much lately and I'm letting it all go to waste. Maybe it's time that I build a DIY rainwater collection system?" Sound familiar? Then ...

Interested in gardening and aquaculture? Have limited space to do so? Well, we might just have what you are looking for — vertical aquaponic gardening! ...
