Top 5 Tesla Solar Roof Alternatives (Buyers Guide)

Tesla solar roof alternatives

What are the best Tesla Solar Roof Alternatives? CertainTeed Apollo II Tile Luma Solar Roof SunTegra Ennogie GB Sol Thanks to great marketing, Tesla Solar Roofs are slowly gaining popularity in recent years. However, the warm acceptance of the more attractive cousin of solar panels is also thanks to the product’s added value for green … Read more

Sun Tracking Solar Panel (All you need to know)

sun tracking solar panel

Let’s face it; if you clicked on this article, you likely ran across the phrase “sun tracking solar panel” enough times to pique your curiosity about what it is exactly. If you have been reading about solar installations long enough, you’ll know how important a panel’s tilt and direction are for maximum energy production. Also, it … Read more

How Many Solar Panels Are Needed To Power A Room?

solar panels for room

Imagine having a room completely powered by solar panels. That is, each one of your rooms appliances rely on solar energy, instead of grid energy to operate. Is this even possible, and if so, how many solar panels would I need to power a room? A medium-sized room measuring 224 square feet consisting of smart … Read more

Solar Hot Tub (All you need to know)

solar hot tub - Climatebiz

Hot tubs have been growing in popularity throughout the world for the last decade. More recently, however, the concept of a solar hot tub is starting to interest those eco/budget-conscious among us. The question is, are solar hot tubs really worth it, do they save on costs, and how exactly do they work? In this … Read more

Are Solar Panels Worth It In The UK? (Expert Opinion)

Are solar panels worth it in the UK

“Are solar panels worth it in the UK?” Chances are you already feel strongly about climate change and are part of the 79% of Britons supporting renewables. However, we can’t help but scratch our financial itching. You just have to know if it is worth installing solar panels on your home in the UK. Contrary … Read more

Solar Powered Bitcoin Mining: Does solar mining crypto work?

Solar powered bitcoin mining

According to Investopedia, as of August 21, approximately 18.77 million Bitcoins have been mined across our planet. That’s a lot of Bitcoins and with it even more electricity. In fact, Bitcoin mining uses around 91 terawatt-hours of electricity annually. In other words, that’s more than a third of the electricity used for residential cooling in the … Read more

100 Watt Solar Panel (Everything you need to know)

100 watt solar panel

A 100-watt solar panel is lightweight, has a small frame, and is easy to carry around, making it trendy for outdoor use like camping, chilling out in remote places, RV-ing, trekking, and more. Along with it, you have the 400-watt solar panel, which is great for residential use, and the 500-watt panel, which is best … Read more

500 watt solar panel (Everything you need to know)

500 watt solar panel

Are 500-watt solar panels worth paying attention to in 2025? Yes and no. Here’s why: About half a decade ago, the size of a standard solar panel varied between 200-300 watts. It wasn’t until the past couple of years that we discovered manufacturers had been working secretly to double those figures. Sure, we expect solar … Read more