Recycled Glass Countertops (Home Owners Guide)

recycled glass countertops

As technology advances, so does eco-design. No longer is overly-priced store-bought decor the king. Nowadays, homeowners can go as far as furnishing their households with classy repurposed materials, like recycled glass countertops. From these tabletops to kitchen windows, glass is essential for sleek, modern design. But what happens to all of the used glass? Most … Read more

All About Low-Flow Toilets (+ Pros & Cons)

low-flow toilets

Many of you are probably familiar with the tremendous amount of water that toilets use. What you might not be so familiar with, though, is low-flow toilets. When you decide to go green, you’ll probably catch yourself thinking about the amount of water that your home consumes. One of the first appliances that your mind … Read more

What Is Geothermal Heating And Cooling?

What is geothermal heating and cooling

Looking for energy-efficient, cost-saving methods to both warm-up and cool down your home? Then look no further than geothermal heating and cooling!  One of the fascinating aspects of geothermal energy is that it comes from within our Earth’s crust. As such, it’s more resilient, sustainable, and reliable. So, instead of using a conventional air-conditioner or … Read more

Pros and Cons Of A Geothermal Heat Pump

Pros and cons of a geothermal heat pump

Weighing up a particular energy technology’s advantages and disadvantages is a critical part of determining its worth — the impact of earth energy systems is no exception. Carefully considering the pros and cons of a geothermal heat pump is an insightful way to make knowledgeable decisions for your home! You may have come across the … Read more

Should I Use Recycled Bricks In My Home?

recycled bricks

Bricks are an incredibly versatile building material. What’s more, they’re very durable, lasting up to around 500 years. This incredibly long lifespan is one of many reasons why more and more people are turning to recycled bricks for construction purposes. You could say that bricks are the Lego blocks of the construction industry. You can … Read more

Off-Grid Cabin (Everything you need to know)

off-grid cabin

Off-grid cabins have gained plenty of attention in recent years, so it stands to reason why you’re itching to learn more about them. In fact, chances are you’re probably here after reading our Beginner’s Guide to Owning A Solar-Powered Cabin. Whether you build one to establish a self-sufficient lifestyle or simply for recreational purposes, the … Read more

Green Fiber Insulation (Everything you need to know)

green fiber insulation

If you’re building a new home or renovating your current home, you’ve definitely heard of insulation. It’s the material that you find in your walls or ceiling that helps prevent heat transfer, often coming in the form of boards or even foam. Ultimately, quality insulation can make the difference between your home being comfortable or … Read more

Top 9 Energy-Efficient Space Heaters (Buyers Guide)

energy-efficient space heaters

Going into winter, the concern of rising electricity costs leads many people to question the efficiency of some of their homes appliances — for example, their space heaters. And for good reason, too. According to the Short Term Energy Outlook published by EIA, retail prices for energy are at (or near) a multi-year high. In … Read more

All You Need To Know About Composting Toilets

composting toilets

Many of you out there may be unfamiliar with composting toilets – these ingenious systems have been tried and tested throughout numerous rural communities for many years. They are a type of dry toilet, meaning they don’t need water to work. In communities where water is scarce, this type of toilet has helped keep many … Read more

How To Build A DIY Solar Carport (Complete Guide)

DIY Solar Carport

Solar carports are massively advantageous for commercial and retail developments. But did you know that it’s possible to build your very own DIY solar carport? Building a DIY solar carport can provide shade for your vehicles and electricity for your home. In fact, building a solar carport can save you up to 75% on electricity … Read more

RV Greywater (Everything you need to know)

RV greywater

Did you know that RV greywater systems are a thing? That’s right, both mobile homes and RVs can make use of greywater systems! In this article, we cover everything you need to know about RV greywater. From what it is to how to dispose of it. We even highlight the best three portable storage tanks … Read more