11 Best Gas Tankless Water Heaters (Worth looking at)

best gas tankless water heaters

Tankless water heaters are an efficient and cost-effective replacement for storage tank water heaters. Like your standard geyser, tankless water heaters can be powered by either propane or electricity. But, what are the best gas tankless water heaters out there? Gas tankless water heaters (GTWH) heat water using a pilot flame. When you turn on … Read more

12 Best Electric Tankless Water Heaters

best electric tankless water heaters

The best electric tankless water heaters are a great alternative to your energy-guzzling geyser. They use less power, saving money and lowering your carbon footprint. However, searching the market for an efficient ETWH can be frustrating and confusing. Most manufacturers use jargon you might not understand, or perhaps you’re unsure which size is best for … Read more

How Does An Electric Tankless Water Heater Work?

how does a tankless water heater work

Those of you who’ve heard about tankless water heaters will know just how amazing these water heating devices are. So, how does an electric tankless water heater work? And why is it a sustainable replacement for storage water heaters? Before we explore how an electric tankless water heater works, here’s a brief overview of the … Read more

How Much Does A Tesla Weigh? (Model X, Y, S & 3 compared)

Tesla weight

There are many myths about EVs on the internet. No matter where you look, there’s always someone sharing their opinion. With that, one of the hot topics currently is whether the weight of a Tesla will influence its performance. First off, there are many Tesla models with varying weights — these require further investigation before … Read more

How To Precondition Your EV Battery (For fast charging)

precondition your electric car

Have your fingers ever been so cold that they can barely move? Most things struggle to work properly in cold temperatures. Your EV battery is no exception. That’s where preconditioning your electric car battery comes in. In the winter, car windows get icy, and some door handles freeze shut. Preconditioning EV batteries allows for better … Read more

Electric Car Motor (How does it work?)

electric car motor

How do electric cars generate power? How do their motors work, transforming stored energy into a rotary motion? And can the motor create more power through EV tuning? To answer these questions, we’ve taken a closer look at what EV motors are and how they work. The core elements of an EV motor take advantage … Read more

Are Geothermal Heat Pumps Worth The Money?

geothermal heat pumps worth the money

“So, how much does it cost?” This is a common question regarding green technology. You may know the cost of a GHP, but is a geothermal heat pump worth the money?  We all know that installing green technology aids the environment and turns our homes green. But if you’ve done any research, you’ll also see that it comes … Read more

How Long Can An Electric Car Idle?

how long can an electric car idle

If you’re an EV enthusiast, you’re probably curious about the longevity of their batteries. If you search this question, you’ll likely find out about their lifespan or the average millage of an EV. But how long would your electric car battery last if you leave it idling? We’ve all feared our phone batteries dying on … Read more

Wind Turbine For Farms (All you need to know)

wind turbines for farms

We’ve recently written articles covering everything you need to know about wind turbines for your home. But did you know you can also get wind turbines for farms? As wind power becomes more accessible to everyone, farms are getting upgrades from their old windmills. Traditionally, farms harnessed the power of the wind to pump water … Read more

10 Best Wind Turbine Manufacturers In The World

best wind turbine manufactures

The 10 best wind turbine manufacturers have paved the path for other manufacturers to follow. They’ve achieved impressive results over the last couple of years and are only improving. In the United States of America, wind power has grown steadily over the last 30 years. Today, the US generates 380 million MWh from wind power, … Read more

How To Build A DIY Wind Turbine At Home

diy wind turbine

A DIY wind turbine is perfect for anyone wanting to invest in wind energy — you’ll be able to reap the benefits of wind power at home without breaking the bank on expensive, pre-built turbines. Going this route can help you decide if a manufactured turbine is worth it, as you’ll be able to test … Read more

Passive Solar Heating Guide (with 10 examples)

passive solar heating

The average American home’s use of gas and/or electricity throughout winter is causing significant utility bill spikes. Fortunately, there’s a solution at hand — passive solar heating. This method promises to decrease your utility bill by 40%! By harnessing the natural heat from the sun, you can regulate your home’s temperature passively. Essentially, you could … Read more