How To Replace Solar Light Batteries: Brighten Your Garden

Solar lights have become a staple in many gardens, pathways, and patios, offering a sustainable and eco-friendly way to illuminate spaces. At the heart of them are the batteries, which store energy from the sun during the day and release it as light during the night.  Over time, these batteries can wear out, leading to … Read more

5 Types of Solar Panel Protective Covers – Sunny Power!

Solar energy is an increasingly popular choice for homeowners and businesses alike. As the demand for renewable energy sources grows, so does the need to protect these valuable investments. Solar panels, while designed to withstand various environmental conditions, can benefit from added protection. This is where solar panel protective covers come into play. In this … Read more

What solar panels does Tesla use?

Since 2015, Tesla Energy — a subsidiary of Tesla Inc. — has been developing and installing solar panels in the U.S. However, the solar panels that Tesla uses remain a mystery to many. In this article, we shed some light on the matter by discussing the technology behind Tesla’s solar panels and detailing where they’re … Read more

How to build A DIY solar oven (Step-by-step guide)

If you’re looking for a sustainable way to prepare hot meals in remote or off-grid locations, a DIY solar oven is the solution you’re looking for. It allows you to cook food outdoors efficiently, using only the energy from the sun! You can build a low-cost, portable DIY solar oven with the proper materials. Don’t … Read more

Categories DIY

What size solar water pump do you need?

Solar water pumps continue to grow in popularity, and for a good reason — they can handle any water supply project, from domestic supply to large-scale irrigation. That said, the wrong-size solar water pump can turn a wise investment into a big headache. As a prospective solar water pump buyer, you need to familiarize yourself with … Read more

Can you power an AC with solar panels?

AC units are costly to run, which is why many people are turning to solar panels to offset this considerable expense. If you’re one of the 85% of American households that own an AC, it’s worth knowing this appliance accounts for 16% of your electricity bill. From 2021 to 2022, the price of electricity increased by 15%. Because of … Read more

Which EVs are V2G compatible?

Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology allows electric vehicles (EVs) to channel electricity back to the grid. This technology uses chargers that connect EVs and their batteries to the grid via a bi-directional power flow, providing your vehicle with clean, renewable energy. As of 2022, several major automakers, such as Nissan, are working on developing V2G-compatible EVs. To … Read more

Should you buy 72-cell solar panels?

Solar panels come in various configurations — from smaller, 36-cell thin-film solar panels to larger 72-cell monocrystalline offerings. The latter has gained traction over the years, becoming one of the more popular panel sizes for residential solar applications. As a homeowner looking to invest in solar, having numerous options at your fingertips is fantastic. However, … Read more

Lithium-titanate batteries: Everything you need to know

Lithium titanate batteries have become an increasingly popular rechargeable battery, offering numerous advantages over other lithium technologies. Nowadays, you’ll find them in various applications, from electric vehicles (EVs) to consumer electronics. With high charge/discharge rates, considerably long cycle life, low internal resistance, wide working temperature, and increased safety, this battery’s popularity will only grow in the near … Read more

Can solar panels run a heat pump?

Residential solar panels can run any household application, from mini speakers to a large heat pump. The latter has gained popularity in recent times, with many homeowners looking for alternative household heating methods in the form of geothermal or air-source heat pumps. In this article, we take a closer look at heat pumps, their energy usage, and the number of panels … Read more

What can a 300-watt solar panel run?

A 300-watt solar panel is a popular choice for residential solar power systems — it can generate a relatively high amount of energy, enough to run many of your typical house appliances. But let’s get specific here. What kind of appliances can you expect to run with a 300-watt solar panel? Let’s find out! What … Read more