How Much Rainwater Can I Collect?

how much rainwater can we collect

The desire to collect rainwater can quickly turn into an obsession for many people out there. However, it may seem like a hassle to others, especially those unsure about its worth. Whatever the case may be, you’d be surprised by how much rainwater you can collect! So, how do you calculate rainwater collection? The amount … Read more

How To Keep Rainwater Fresh

keeping rain water fresh

Rainwater collection is a great starting point for building your eco-home. Luckily, keeping your rainwater fresh for gardening and flushing toilets isn’t as hard as you might think. Collecting rainwater isn’t a new concept. Rainwater collection has been around since 2000 BCE starting with the earliest civilizations. However, since then, the provision of tapped water … Read more

A Guide To Connecting Rain Barrels

connecting rain barrels

Using a rainwater barrel is a simple way to store rainwater for reuse; what’s more connecting rain barrels can provide you with more storage space. Not only are rain barrels easy to install, they can also fit into virtually any space. However, these barrels do come with a significant disadvantage; they can only hold an … Read more

10 Best Rain Barrels (Buyers Guide)

best rain barrels

Collecting rainwater in barrels can seem rather complicated, especially when you don’t know where to start or which rain barrel to use. We understand how stressful it can be to choose a suitable rainwater collection storage device for your needs, so here’s a little tip; if you’re unsure about committing to a more extensive system, … Read more

How To Build a DIY Rainwater Collection System

DIY rainwater collection system

“It’s been raining so much lately and I’m letting it all go to waste. Maybe it’s time that I build a DIY rainwater collection system?” Sound familiar? Then you’ve come to the right place! Finding DIY tutorials has never been easier. From youtube videos to blog posts, there is an abundance of resources out there. … Read more

Rainwater Collection Laws (Legalities explained)

rainwater collection laws

“Is it legal to collect rainwater?” You may know a fair bit about rainwater collection, but are you familiar with the legalities surrounding its harvesting? It can be very frustrating and time-consuming to search through the laws and regulations of each state. This is especially true when you’re searching for rainwater regulations that are so … Read more

Rainwater Collection System (All you need to know)

rainwater collection system

A rainwater collection system is at the heart of collecting rainwater. While you can manage your rainwater in any way you please, having a system makes it so much easier. Systems consist of interconnected parts. A rainwater system collects rain, stores it, and allows you to use it later. As water becomes a scarcer resource, … Read more

Rainwater Collection (All you need to know)

rainwater collection

You might view rainwater collection as a habit reserved only for very rural areas. Or maybe for survivors trapped on deserted islands. Well, you’d be wrong; rainwater harvesting has been gaining traction over the years. Many people in countries like the United States, Germany, and Australia are turning to this method to meet their water … Read more

Recycled Glass Countertops (Home Owners Guide)

recycled glass countertops

As technology advances, so does eco-design. No longer is overly-priced store-bought decor the king. Nowadays, homeowners can go as far as furnishing their households with classy repurposed materials, like recycled glass countertops. From these tabletops to kitchen windows, glass is essential for sleek, modern design. But what happens to all of the used glass? Most … Read more

All About Low-Flow Toilets (+ Pros & Cons)

low-flow toilets

Many of you are probably familiar with the tremendous amount of water that toilets use. What you might not be so familiar with, though, is low-flow toilets. When you decide to go green, you’ll probably catch yourself thinking about the amount of water that your home consumes. One of the first appliances that your mind … Read more

Should I Use Recycled Bricks In My Home?

recycled bricks

Bricks are an incredibly versatile building material. What’s more, they’re very durable, lasting up to around 500 years. This incredibly long lifespan is one of many reasons why more and more people are turning to recycled bricks for construction purposes. You could say that bricks are the Lego blocks of the construction industry. You can … Read more

Green Fiber Insulation (Everything you need to know)

green fiber insulation

If you’re building a new home or renovating your current home, you’ve definitely heard of insulation. It’s the material that you find in your walls or ceiling that helps prevent heat transfer, often coming in the form of boards or even foam. Ultimately, quality insulation can make the difference between your home being comfortable or … Read more