kW vs kWh (An Energy Expert Explains The Difference)

kW vs kWh

kW vs kWh – we are sure you have seen these letters multiple times. With the fast development of solar panels, lithium batteries, and electric vehicles, terms like kW (kilowatt) and kWh (kilowatt-hour) are seen everywhere. Even so, these terms can be tricky to interpret or understand for those that are unfamiliar with energy-related acronyms. … Read more

200-watt solar panels (The complete guide)

200 watt solar panels

If you want solar panels for your house, RV, or boat, you’ll want to consider purchasing 200-watt solar panels. Despite being on the smaller side, these solar panels combine solid power output and great value for money. And while they aren’t the most powerful, they’re certainly more versatile and compact than their larger 400W or 500W counterparts. In this … Read more

Small solar panels (Top 6 mini solar panels)

small solar panels

Solar panels come in all shapes and sizes. They can range from small, 1.1w portable modules to much larger 500W, 72-cell panels for commercial solar arrays. Small solar panels are particularly beneficial for digital nomads who are constantly on the move and only require small amounts of power to recharge their essential electronic devices. Currently, there are … Read more

Solar Panels For Home Use (The Ultimate Guide)

Solar panels for home

Knowing how to choose solar panels for home use can significantly benefit you, especially if you plan on installing the solar system yourself. There are several key factors to consider when deciding on the best solar panel for your residential setup. This guide aims to teach you these fundamentals to make an informed buying decision when deciding … Read more

Best Solar Panels for Campervans

campervan solar panels

Solar panels for campervans are becoming more popular than ever, as crowds of adventurers seek sustainable solutions to power their RVs and vans on long-distance road trips. In light of the covid-19 pandemic, van life road trips allow you to get off the beaten (crowded) path and discover untouched natural wonders, reconnect with friends and … Read more

How Do Solar Panels Work Step-By-Step (Solar Science Explained)

How do solar panels work

How do solar panels work — what is the step-by-step process? The science of solar energy can be perplexing to some.  How exactly do solar photovoltaic (PV) panels magically transform ordinary sunlight into usable electricity? Well, when you dig a little deeper and dissect the panel (quite literally), you’ll find that it all starts to … Read more

400 Watt Solar Panel (Everything you need to know)

400 watt solar panel

With the 400-watt solar panel, you can now produce more power with less space! Solar Energy is fueled by innovation and constant research on efficiency and durability. The latest market standard, the 400-watt solar panel, is now available to all, and it’s a game-changer for residential solar systems. Our deep dive into this PV module’s … Read more

Are Solar Panels Worth It? (A complete breakdown)

is solar worth it?

Judging whether solar panels are worth it, really all comes down to 2 factors: your home’s location and your energy consumption. In an ideal scenario, you could expect your solar system’s payback period to be between 7.4 – 13 years. After that, you’ll be saving money monthly and reducing your home’s overall carbon footprint. This … Read more

15 of the Best Solar Panels for High Temperatures (Worth Buying)

best solar panels for high temperature

“Why would I need to look for solar panels that can withstand high temperatures? Surely I only need to focus on panels with high-efficiency levels.” Yes, efficiency is critical, but remember, a solar panel performs at its best under total sun exposure. This means its surface will face consistently high temperatures. Why is this relevant? … Read more

Monocrystalline Solar Panel — Everything You Need To Know

Monocrystalline solar panels 1

In this day and age, we wouldn’t blame you for thinking about making the switch to a monocrystalline solar panel. Although there’s nothing entirely wrong with polycrystalline solar panels, their efficiency is somewhat lacking compared to mono solar panels. This article aims to teach you all there is to know about these more efficient solar … Read more