Passive Cooling For Your Home (All you need to know)

passive cooling

With people spending more time at home than ever before, the need for comfort has become essential for productivity and relaxation. Most homes today have central heating or cooling, depending on the region they’re in. These units consume an immense amount of electricity and energy which isn’t good for the environment or your utility bill. … Read more

Energy-Efficient Doors (All you need to know)

energy efficient doors

If you’re looking into passive house design it’s inevitable that you’ll have come across energy-efficient doors. These doors, along with passive house windows are an element that you can ill-afford to skip out on if you’re wanting to have your very own green home. Thermal maintenance and energy-saving properties are just two of the advantages … Read more

Best Passive House Windows: Which should you install?

best passive house windows

Passive house windows are an intrinsic part of the passive house concept. Therefore, it stands to reason that those of you out there looking to invest in these housing components may want the best passive house windows available. After all, these windows aren’t cheap, and you’re going to want your money’s worth. But what are … Read more