Tesla Solar Roof (Everything you need to know)

Tesla Solar Roof

The Tesla solar roof is another brand-new product that offers large scale energy savings compared to a typical modern rooftop. Elon Musk unveiled this latest addition to the Tesla offerings back on October 28, 2016, along with the announcement that Tesla will be acquiring SolarCity. According to Elon Musk, Tesla’s goal is to make solar … Read more

Top 5 Tesla Solar Roof Alternatives (Buyers Guide)

Tesla solar roof alternatives

What are the best Tesla Solar Roof Alternatives? CertainTeed Apollo II Tile Luma Solar Roof SunTegra Ennogie GB Sol Thanks to great marketing, Tesla Solar Roofs are slowly gaining popularity in recent years. However, the warm acceptance of the more attractive cousin of solar panels is also thanks to the product’s added value for green … Read more

What Can I Run Off A 100Ah Battery?

What Can I Run Off A 100Ah Battery

A 100Ah battery is a standard off-the-shelf product you can buy at any physical or online store. They are usually rated at either 12V or 24V, which indicates the battery voltage. For the newbies out there, the battery rating “Ah” stands for “ampere-hours,” meaning you can draw 1 ampere (the unit of electric current) from … Read more

Sun Tracking Solar Panel (All you need to know)

sun tracking solar panel

Let’s face it; if you clicked on this article, you likely ran across the phrase “sun tracking solar panel” enough times to pique your curiosity about what it is exactly. If you have been reading about solar installations long enough, you’ll know how important a panel’s tilt and direction are for maximum energy production. Also, it … Read more

Are Solar Panels Worth It In The UK? (Expert Opinion)

Are solar panels worth it in the UK

“Are solar panels worth it in the UK?” Chances are you already feel strongly about climate change and are part of the 79% of Britons supporting renewables. However, we can’t help but scratch our financial itching. You just have to know if it is worth installing solar panels on your home in the UK. Contrary … Read more

100 Watt Solar Panel (Everything you need to know)

100 watt solar panel

A 100-watt solar panel is lightweight, has a small frame, and is easy to carry around, making it trendy for outdoor use like camping, chilling out in remote places, RV-ing, trekking, and more. Along with it, you have the 400-watt solar panel, which is great for residential use, and the 500-watt panel, which is best … Read more

500 watt solar panel (Everything you need to know)

500 watt solar panel

Are 500-watt solar panels worth paying attention to in 2025? Yes and no. Here’s why: About half a decade ago, the size of a standard solar panel varied between 200-300 watts. It wasn’t until the past couple of years that we discovered manufacturers had been working secretly to double those figures. Sure, we expect solar … Read more

How To Wire Solar Panels (An Expert Guide)

How to wire solar panels

Are you looking to learn how to wire solar panels? If so, you are probably a DIY-er who is 100% invested in purchasing a solar system. You may even have a general idea of how to implement your home project. So now, you are looking for answers to more precise questions about the process. Well, … Read more

Will Solar Panels Get Cheaper? (Purchasing Advice)

will solar panels get cheaper?

The age-old question: Will solar panels get cheaper? Our quick answer to you is YES. Manufacturers have already made solar cheaper by 80% since 2000 and will continue to drive the price down further. However, ClimateBiz experts found recently that the pace of price reduction has slowed down. If you are reading this post, you … Read more

5kW Solar System (Buying Advice For South Africans)

5kW solar system in South Africa

We’d bet dollars to donuts that you already heard at least one story about that person who is saving tons of money thanks to a 5 kW solar system. You’re probably thinking, “Hey, I want me some of that savings,” and then decided that you would invest in a solar system for your home. Unfortunately, … Read more