DC to AC conversion: how do inverters convert DC to AC?

DC To AC Conversion

DC to AC conversion — what is it, and why does it matter? Since the war of the currents unofficially ended in the 19th century, Alternating Current (AC) became the definitive winner as major contracts were given to AC developers. However, the war’s end did not mark the end of Direct Current (DC) since this current still … Read more

Which Power Inverter Should You Get For Your Car?

Power Inverter For Car

Whether you’re going on road trips or simply working from place to place, you should have a reliable power source to charge your electronics on the go. Some cars have built-in USB ports or are compatible with 12V phone chargers. Unfortunately, this is not enough to charge laptops or electronics requiring 120V AC outlets. Ideally, … Read more

What Size Inverter Do I Need? (An Expert Explains)

What size inverter do I need?

The solar inverter is a vital part of a photovoltaic (PV) system used to power AC appliances. Whether you’re installing an inverter in your campervan, RV, boat, or home, it is important to know how to size your inverter correctly.  Installing the right size inverter will ensure your system works perfectly for its 20 – … Read more

How Much Does It Cost To Install An EV Charger At Home?

cost to install EV charger at home

Electric Vehicles (EVs) are the ideal transportation method of the present and future. EVs are fast, reliable, durable, and they significantly reduce greenhouse emissions and pollution by decreasing the need for fuels in transportation. This makes them the best option for personal vehicles nowadays. To fully use your EV, it is important to charge it … Read more

How Do Hydrogen Fuel Cells Work?

How do hydrogen fuel cells work

How do hydrogen fuel cells work? Well, fuel cells are devices that generate electricity through an electrochemical reaction instead of combustion. Experts in the energy sector have been improving this technology in the search for emission-free energy source alternatives to the traditional combustion processes. Hydrogen fuel cells are one of the promising technologies for the … Read more

LiFePO4 100ah (7 Most reliable solar batteries)

LiFePO4 100Ah

100Ah lithium-iron-phosphate (LiFePO4) batteries have become a go-to energy storage solution for camping, marine, RV, and other backup applications. The ever-increasing demand for these batteries has caused manufacturers to flood the market with their offerings. But, like with most products, some are better than others. This inevitably causes those who aren’t very familiar with the … Read more

How to size a battery bank (The 5-step process explained)

How to size a battery bank

Renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, are fantastic, but they become redundant without the means to store this energy. It, therefore, stands to reason why an increasing number of people are wondering how to size a battery bank. The deployment of renewable energy sources has sparked a deep interest in developing technologies that … Read more