20 Facts About Solar Panels

solar panel facts

Many myths surround solar panel usage and are often based on wildly inaccurate or out-of-date information, not on facts. Unfortunately, these myths are compounded by various anti-renewable energy news outlets or websites that present cherrypicked or unrepresentative solar panel “facts”. The reality is that solar panels are a reliable, predictable, and well-researched technology, having existed … Read more

Solar Stocks (How To Consider Them For Your Portfolio)

Solar Stocks

Following the 2020-2021 bull market, the stock market has taken a brutal dip. But every crisis presents an opportunity. In this case, the chance to buy at a discount and diversify your wealth. Fortunately, you can make such an investment while fighting against climate change. How? Through green energy stocks & solar stocks! So, if … Read more

What Is The Solar Flower (AKA Smart Flower)?

smart flower

You may have seen solar systems on homes or businesses in your neighborhood. Passing through parts of the Southwest, you may have even seen ground-mounted solar farms. But if you were lucky, you may have seen a very unique solar array, known as the “Solar Flower.” or “Smart Flower.” So, what is the Solar Flower, … Read more

Can Lithium Car Batteries Be Recycled And Reused?

recycling lithium car batteries

The world is racing towards electric and hybrid light vehicles. This transition brings benefits across the local, regional and global scale. But lithium car batteries don’t last forever: they have a life span of between 5 to 8 years or 60,000 to 100,000 miles. This poses the question: can recycling lithium car batteries be done? … Read more

Leasing Solar Panels In The U.S. (Complete guide)

leasing solar panels United States

We’ve explored the leasing of solar panels in the U.K, but what about on the other side of the pond, in the U.S.? Exploding energy prices, including historical inflation, are causing many homeowners and businesses in the U.S. a massive headache. We know that investing in solar is worth it. After all, these green tech … Read more

Leasing Solar Panels In The UK (Complete guide)

leasing solar panels in UK

“Is leasing solar panels in the UK worth the time and effort?” Exploding energy prices, including an increase in the energy ceiling of 58%, are causing many homeowners and businesses in the UK a massive headache. We know that investing in solar is worth it. After all, these green tech systems can offset energy costs … Read more

Thin-Film Solar Panels (All you need to know)

thin film solar panels

Rising living costs and pollution may have made you consider opting for solar at home or your business. Thin-film solar panels are worth considering since they are cheaper than ordinary silicon solar panels. This article will cover all aspects of thin-film solar panels. What Are Thin-Film Solar Panels? To put it simply, thin-film solar panels … Read more

Solar Panel System Size: How many panels do I need?

solar panel system size

Rising energy prices, inflation, the move to electric vehicles — the cost of living just never stops going up! Solar might work, but how to work out your solar panel system size? Given these costs, solar on the roof of your house, barn or garden may make sense. The cost savings can be significant, and … Read more

Solar Panel Output (Average energy output explained)

solar panel output

Solar panels have become increasingly popular thanks to their numerous benefits. Aside from the environmental advantages, the financial gains associated with solar panels depend on the amount of energy they can produce — the “solar panel output.” A working example is available here for California. Building a solar array requires multiple panels. As such, the … Read more