Is Environmental Science Worth It? (An expert’s opinion)

Is environmental science worth it

In a world that’s beginning to shift its focus towards environmental science, you may wonder, is environmental science worth studying? Environmental science is a broad field of study that crosses multiple disciplines. It draws on topics in ecology, geology, biology, chemistry, engineering, atmospheric sciences, and more. This field of study was once synonymous with few … Read more

A Guide To Reusing Old Lithium Batteries

Recycling old lithium batteries

The need for rechargeable devices has grown exponentially. Therefore, we can no longer afford to ignore the pressing issue of old lithium batteries and what to do with them. Consequently, it is crucial that we come up with a plan to reuse this technology. Most battery recycling occurs outside the United States, although this is … Read more

Tesla Vs. Enphase (Which battery should you choose?)

Enphase Vs Tesla

Tesla and Enphase — these two juggernauts are leading the energy storage industry in 2025 with their products, the Powerwall+ vs. Encharge 10. Gone are the power outages, expensive power bills, and unreliability of the conventional energy system. Now, you can produce and store energy all within the comfort of your own home. Enphase and … Read more

How Does Tesla Valet Mode Work?

Tesla Valet Mode

Leave it up to Tesla to configure an extremely comprehensive Valet Mode! As the world’s fastest production EV, it’s natural to be worried about the valet taking your Tesla for a joy ride.  Valet modes differ from car to car, but the concept is the same: privacy, safety, security, and convenience when you hand your … Read more