How Much Electricity Do Geothermal Heat Pumps Use?

geothermal heat pump eletrcity usage

If you’ve been looking into alternative energy, you may have heard of geothermal energy. And if you’re reading this, you probably know what a geothermal heat pump is. We know they’re efficient, but what about a geothermal heat pump’s electricity usage? Most of the information on geothermal heat pumps refers to Btu production. While this … Read more

How Long Do Geothermal Heat Pumps Last?

how long does a geothermal heat pump last

Geothermal heat pumps are a great way to decrease your heating and cooling energy consumption. What’s more, the lifespan of a geothermal heat pump is the same as a conventional HVAC.  Your geothermal heat pump lasts as long as a standard HVAC system but uses less power. Geothermal heat pumps use up to 50% less energy … Read more

Lucid Air Dream Vs. Tesla Model S Plaid (Price & Performance Compared)

ucid air dream vs tesla model s

Are you in the market for a long-range electric car? Then perhaps you have already thought about comparing the Lucid Air Dream vs. Tesla Model S Plaid. Tesla’s brand recognition has long been the driving force behind the company’s year-on-year success. However, the Lucid Air Dream Edition has gained popularity in the last couple of months, … Read more

What Height Are Wind Turbines Around The World?

wind turbine height

Wind turbines are found onshore and offshore. They tower above the landscape to harness the kinetic energy of the wind. But what is the average wind turbine height, and how does it affect energy production? Here’s some background information before we explore this question further. According to the Global Wind Council, the world produced 743 … Read more

Wind Turbines For Boats (A guide for seafarers)

boat wind turbines

If you’re a sailor or boat owner, you know how important it is to keep your batteries charged. But did you know that you can use sustainable energy to power your boat? In fact, you can harness the wind’s kinetic energy with wind turbines for boats. Humans have been harnessing the wind for thousands of … Read more

Vertical Axis Vs. Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine

Vertical Axis Vs. Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine

Chances are you’ve heard of both vertical and horizontal wind turbines. But which wind turbine is more efficient, and how do they compare? This article will settle the vertical axis vs. horizontal axis debate. Before we dive in, let’s look at how wind turbines became what we know them as today. The first records of … Read more

Small Wind Turbine For Home Use (Buyers guide)

small wind turbine

We’ve all seen fields of white towers with sweeping blades. These wind farms can generate electricity for hundreds of homes. But did you know that you can get a small wind turbine for home use? The technology has been shrunk so that homeowners may harness the power of the wind for themselves. Small wind turbines … Read more

Top 9 Energy-Efficient Space Heaters (Buyers Guide)

energy-efficient space heaters

Going into winter, the concern of rising electricity costs leads many people to question the efficiency of some of their homes appliances — for example, their space heaters. And for good reason, too. According to the Short Term Energy Outlook published by EIA, retail prices for energy are at (or near) a multi-year high. In … Read more

A Beginner’s Guide To Owning A Solar-Powered Cabin

solar-powered cabins

So, you’re wanting a solar-powered cabin that has enough electricity to power all your appliances, do you? Well, we think that’s a great idea! But (and yes, this is a big but) there’s some essential info that you simply cannot skimp out on if you’re wanting to make this investment a success. In the following … Read more