Vertical Axis Vs. Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine

Vertical Axis Vs. Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine

Chances are you’ve heard of both vertical and horizontal wind turbines. But which wind turbine is more efficient, and how do they compare? This article will settle the vertical axis vs. horizontal axis debate. Before we dive in, let’s look at how wind turbines became what we know them as today. The first records of … Read more

Commercial Wind Turbine Cost ($1 Million Cost Breakdown)

Wind turbine cost

How much does a commercial wind turbine cost? To begin, start by playing with the idea of how much 164 tons of steel, fiberglass, resin, plastic, iron, copper, and aluminum would cost. The answer is millions of dollars per wind turbine. This article will jump straight into the world of wind turbines. You will learn how much they cost, … Read more