Solar Glossary

ACalternating current
ASPaverage selling price
BNEFBloomberg New Energy Finance
BOSbalance of system
CA NEMCalifornia Net Energy Metering
CdTecadmium telluride
CFcapacity factor
CPIConsumer Price Index
c-Sicrystalline silicon
DCdirect current
DOEU.S. Department of Energy
EPCengineering, procurement, and construction
FICAFederal Insurance Contributions Act
GPRAGovernment Performance and Reporting Act
HVACheating, ventilating, and air conditioning
ITCinvestment tax credit
LBNLLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
LCOElevelized cost of energy
LCOSlevelized cost of storage
LCOSSlevelized cost of solar-plus-storage
MACRSModified Accelerated Cost Recovery System
MLPEmodule-level power electronics
MWACmegawatts alternating current
MWDCmegawatts direct current
NECNational Electrical Code
NEMnet energy metering
NRELNational Renewable Energy Laboratory
O&Moperation and maintenance
PERCpassivated emitter and rear cells
PIIpermitting, inspection, and interconnection
PPApower-purchase agreement
SETOSolar Energy Technologies Office (DOE)
SG&Aselling, general, and administrative
TPOthird-party ownership
USDU.S. Dollars
VDCvolts direct current
WACwatts alternating current
WDCwatts direct current
WPwatts peak